How would you like to find a job?
Register and create your profile
Enter your skills and preferences in MiPrefs. Fill out your banking information to get paid through the app.
Set your availability
You choose your hours. Block off your availability with one-time and recurring events in MiSched.
Find matches
Only see jobs that fit you in MiMatches. Once a match is accepted, you are confirmed to go to the shift.
Rate the org
Rate orgs in MiDash. Orgs rate you too and higher ratings lead to better chances to find new jobs.
Register with a Job Hub Specialist
Register with us so we can help find the best job for you.
Complete in-house training
You may be asked to complete certifications in-house to increase your chances at finding temp jobs.
Go to your shift
We’ll send you to shifts that match your experience. Remember, show up 15 minutes early!
We’ll check in
Let us know how the shift went and if you’re interested in more jobs. Then, we’ll send you to more!
If you still have questions, you can contact us or view our FAQ.