Support for Professionals
Register and create your profile
Follow the steps in the app and refer to our help video for additional guidance.
Set your availability
You choose your hours. Block off your availability with one-time and recurring events in MiSched.
Setting Up Payments
Payments are important to ensure that you get paid correctly and on time
You cannot match to a job unless payments are set up.
Register your details with Stripe, our payment processor
Stripe handles $Billions in transactions for companies including Amazon, IBM, Toyota and Zoom, so you can be sure your details are safe.
Follow the instructions in this video
You’ll be set up as self-employed, so make sure you follow all the instructions closely.
Professionals (pros) are the job seekers.
Organizations (orgs) are the ones hiring – whether they represent an individual, a company, or a franchise. An organization as a company or franchise may encompass one or several fields within it, and typically identifies as being a part of an industry.
No worries, we got you covered. You can register as a pro and an org in the same app. All you need to do is create another profile by clicking the group of people button on the top right.
You can get gigs, contracts, and permanent jobs with AmbiMi. We have jobs in administration, accounting, customer service, hospitality, manufacturing, warehousing, restoration, construction, landscaping, and janitorial.
A job that is between 2 hours and 2 working days.
A job that is longer than 2 working days and within a 31-day period.
Just as it sounds, a perfect fit! A perfect match is a pro that matches all the requirements in a job posting.
Not everything in life is perfect, and sometimes a partial match is just as good. A partial match is a pro that matches some but not all the requirements in a job posting.
A pro gets a verified skill when they dedicate eight hours to performing the skill through jobs in AmbiMi. Verified skills lead to perfect matches.
A pro chooses an unverified skill if they used it outside of AmbiMi or want to develop that skill. Unverified skills lead to partial matches.
These are how we track your hours. They are used to identify when pros are on-site, so you don't need to worry about clocking in or clocking out.
It will turn green when the pro is on-site or red when they are off-site. If it's yellow, the pros are not sharing their location, or their location was lost. So, make sure location sharing is always on.
Hard work pays off! Organizations have the option to tip professionals after the job.
Organizations have the option to give a bonus to pros after the job.
A phone, an email, an address, a bank account, a SIN number, and a great attitude!
Job Matching
After registering, your job matches will appear in MiMatches. These jobs fit your skills and preferences.
This is the perfect job for you! All you need to do is accept it within four hours and go.
This is great if you want to develop new skills. You can apply to jobs as a partial match, and an org can hire you.
We recommend waiting or try adjusting your MiSkills or MiPrefs. Your perfect job is around the corner.
Hard work pays off. Every job starts as a contract or gig, then orgs can make you a permanent job offer.
Developing your skills will lead to you getting more opportunities in the future. You can apply to as many jobs that interest you as a partial match.
If you don't accept a match in four hours, it will move to the next person. Make sure push notifications are on, so you don't miss out on any jobs.
Congrats on your job offer! You have 24 hours to accept it.
You decide when you're available. Input your availability in MiSched and only get matched to jobs when you're free.
This is where you manage your schedule, input your availability, and see your upcoming shifts.
You can block recurring events or one-time events when you are not available. This will ensure that you are not matched to jobs you cannot go to.
Got school? Another job? Block off recurring events when you are always busy at the same time. Go to MiSched > MiTime (clock icon) and toggle "Recurring" to select the times you are not available.
Got an appointment? Weekend plans? Set one-time events when you have something planned. Go to MiSched > MiTime (clock icon) and toggle "This week" to select the time you are not available.
No, AmbiMi will automatically put accepted jobs in MiSched, so you will not be double booked.
We will keep track of your jobs for you. You can see all your shift information in MiSched.
Accepting a Job
We have you covered. You can view the org window in the job posting.
Of course, the supervisor's phone number will be available within 30 minutes of your shift.
Don't accept it. To keep your ratings high, only take jobs you know you can go to.
Yes, you will get push notifications 24 hours and 2 hours before your shift starts, so you won't miss a job.
You need to accept or decline the changed hours in MiDash > MiJobs.
You need to accept the changed hours in MiDash > MiJobs.
You can find this in the additional information section of the job posting. If not, you can contact the org to ask.
It depends on the job, you can look for this information in the job posting.
No need to worry, we included location tracking that will automatically do it for you.
Call the org immediately and let them know. You will only be paid for the working hours you are at the location.
If it is your first time there, allow yourself extra travel time. Look at the map function in the job posting to see the pinned location and call the org directly if you are late.
You can rate orgs after completing 24 hours with AmbiMi. They will appear in MiDash under Organizations to be rated 30 minutes after your last shift.
Yes, orgs can rate you after your last shift. They can rate you on carefulness, speed, and professionalism, and you will automatically get a reliability rating for every job.
It's important to keep your ratings high because they will affect your job matching. The most important thing is showing up, being on time, and being professional.
Things come up, and we don't want it to affect you too much. But you will automatically get 3 stars for reliability.
It is important to cancel if you can't make it to a shift. Not showing up for a shift will negatively affect your reliability rating. Orgs want to hire professionals that are reliable.
Make sure you plan extra time for travel. Being late will negatively affect your rating. Be sure and give yourself plenty of time.
No, it is free for you to use!
You will be paid by direct deposit through AmbiMi.
You will receive direct deposits 5 to 7 business days after the last day of the pay period. AmbiMi’s pay period for contracts is Wednesday to Tuesday.
Complete MiPayout to get paid. You will be directed to Stipe and need your transit number, institution number, and account number to receive direct deposits.
Make sure MiPayout is complete with your banking information and allow 7 to 14 calendar days to receive your first payment.
For more information on payments, visit Payment Support
Try only to accept jobs that you know you can make. You can cancel your shift by going to the job posting in MiDash or MiSched, but it will affect your ratings.
Cancel your shift as soon as you know you cannot make it. The earlier you cancel, the less it will affect your ratings.
Early Dismissals
You must talk to the org yourself, and they will have to adjust it on their end. This will affect your reliability rating.
Always communicate with the org. You will only be paid for the completed hours and automatically get a 2-star reliability rating.
Try to stay for your whole shift. You will only be paid for the completed hours and automatically get a 4-star reliability rating.
You will be paid a minimum of 2 hours and for all the additional hours completed. This will not affect your ratings.
Don't worry. If one job wasn't a good fit, you can still find another one through AmbiMi.
You can see every orgs MiWindow, which will have their information and ratings from previous pros that completed jobs with them.
No, we will only track pros' locations 30 minutes before the shift to the end of the shift to verify when they are on-site.
Yes, you can send your location to a friend through the app by clicking the share button after accepting a job posting.
Additional Resources
Looking for more? Check out our additional resources:
What is AmbiMi: Intro to Skills-Based Job Matching
Mobile App vs. Job Hubs: How Should You Find Temp Jobs?
Here’s How to Find Jobs in Minutes with Our App
Our App Features That Will Help You Find Jobs Fast
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