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6 Tips to Staff Up for the Summer Season

The days are getting sunnier, and the weather is getting warmer, which can only mean one thing: Summer is here. Summer is often a busy season for various industries, whether hiring servers for a restaurant, lawn mowers for landscaping companies, or painters for construction sites. 

Many organizations turn to temporary or seasonal employees in the summer. You can hire people specifically looking for a summer job, and you get a teammate during your busiest times; it’s a win-win situation.  

You want to make sure you’re hiring the right people to reduce turnover and downtime. So, we outlined the benefits of seasonal hires and six tips to help you staff up for the summer season. 

Benefits of Hiring Seasonal Summer Professionals 

Hire When Needed 

Seasonal and temporary hiring is a great way for your organization to meet demands during your busiest season. Instead of committing to a permanent year-round position, you can hire as needed. Qualified, seasonal professionals will join you when you need them most.  

Increased Flexibility 

There’s more scheduling flexibility when hiring seasonally. You can schedule professionals based on your needs. Bring them in full-time from 9-5 or casually during peak times. 

Save Money 

Due to the flexibility and ability to only schedule as needed, your organization will save money. Rather than finding busy work all day, five days a week, bringing them in when you know you’ll be busy will reduce your daily costs.  

Foster a Blended Workforce 

Hiring seasonal professionals helps you build a blended workforce. Which, in return, benefits you with specialized skillsets, fast hiring, and improved morale. Learn more about blended workforces here

Our Top 6 Tips to Hire Seasonal Summer Professionals 

Follow our top six tips to make this summer the best and hire the right people! 

  1. Start Early 

    Start your summer hiring at least a month in advance to ensure you’re not rushing around while tasks are already piling up. Although, if possible, you can start your search before that. It gets harder to recruit the later it is, so you want to make sure you have a roster of professionals ready to start.  

  2. Train Before You Get Busy  

    If the role you’re hiring for requires training, you’ll want to train professionals before you get busy. Then, they know all the ins and outs and can ask more questions while senior staff have more time to help.  

  3. Define Who You’re Looking For 

    If you don’t already have a clear job description, that’s a great place to start. Look at that job description to decide the skills needed to complete those tasks. You’ll also want to make sure the professional is a good fit with your organization. Some things to consider are: 

    • Soft and hard skills 

    • Daily/weekly availability  

    • Wage expectations 

  4. Try Hiring Students 

    Students are a great option for seasonal professionals. They typically have a summer break from late April to early September, are looking to make extra money during their time off, and need job experience after graduation. 

  5. Offer Rewards and Perks 

    If you plan to offer seasonal professionals rewards, highlight it in your job posting. It will help you attract top talent. Additionally, at the end of the season, giving a pay bonus is a great way to entice seasonal professionals to return next year.  

  6. Outsource Your Hiring 

    At the end of the day, recruiting is hard and takes up your valuable time. Getting outside help is a great way to get pre-vetted staff onboarded quickly. If you’re looking for seasonal employees, AmbiMi can help! We will match you to qualified professionals based on your needs.  

Get in touch with our team to learn how AmbiMi can help your seasonal hiring.