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How to Improve Employee Productivity with Flexible Schedules

Employees no longer want to be in an office from 9-5 daily. Instead, many professionals want to be in control of their schedules.

Giving employees the flexibility to work when they want, can sound scary. How will you know if they are staying on task and getting enough done?

There is no need to fear! Offering flexible work schedules can help your business. Not only is it one of the key drivers of employee engagement, but it can also help you attract and retain staff. Keep reading to learn how you can provide flexible schedules and benefits.

What is a Flexible Schedule?

There are different ways that you can offer professionals a flexible work schedule. The main purpose is to create a plan that works best for them and to allow them to schedule their day as they want, whilst balancing the needs of the business

Here are some common categories of flexible work:

  1. Part-time jobs

  2. Temporary jobs

  3. Seasonal jobs

  4. Gig work

  5. Casual jobs (pick up shifts as needed)

  6. Compressed work weeks (spreading 40 hours over four days instead of five)

One size doesn’t fit all employees: One person may want a casual schedule, and another might want a set schedule. You can speak to your professionals to see which type of schedule they prefer.

Benefits of a Flexible Schedule

Unsurprisingly, allowing professionals to work how they want will boost morale. This can lead to many benefits for your organization. Some of the advantages include the following:

  • Attract top talent

  • Improve employee retention

    80% of employees prefer jobs that offer a flexible schedule

  • Improve employee engagement (fewer sick days, less turnover, and employee longevity)

  • Increase employee productivity

  • Integrate a blended workforce (which you can learn all about here)

  • Save money with less need for full-time employees

How to Integrate Flexible Schedules

You’re likely wondering how to start offering flexible employee schedules in your business. There are different types of flexible schedules, and each one will look different. Whichever  you choose, here are our top tips:

  1. Choose what you’re comfortable with

    It’s alright if you don’t want to offer all schedule types immediately. You might be okay with casual work or gigs but not with compressed work weeks. Start slowly by giving your pros options you are comfortable with, then go from there.

  2. Don’t start all at once

    Instead of jumping in, test flexible schedules by offering them to a small group. Then you can assess how it works for your company before committing. You could hire a couple of temporary employees to start. Or you could offer flexible schedules to permanent employees that you trust.

  3. Ask professionals what they want

    Ask your employees what type of working arrangement they want instead of guessing. Each person prefers a different working style. So, adapt to what they want to get the most out of flexible schedules.

  4. Communicate hours

    To set expectations, ensure that professionals communicate when they will be available. For example, they should let the team know if they are starting at 10:00 AM instead of 9:00 AM. Then, supervisors and other employees will know when they can contact them.

  5. Check-in with professionals

    Schedule periodic check-ins to see how your pros feel about the schedule. Ask if there is anything they want to change or any challenges. This will help them adjust to the new program and enhance productivity.

If all goes well, you can expand and gradually offer flexible schedules to more employees!

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