5 Career Goals to Consider for Your New Year’s Resolutions

“I’m going to get a promotion,” “I’m going to earn extra cash,” and “I’m going to save more money” are all probably career-related resolutions you’ve said at some point in your life. With the new year coming, you might have already set one of these as your resolution. The first couple of weeks usually go well, but then you start to taper off. Just like we do with our gym memberships! 😅

Although these are great goals, they are too generic and impossible to measure. This leads to empty promises you make to yourself every year.

This year, it’s time to break the cycle! When it comes to your career, set resolutions that you can track and achieve. We’ll outline five specific career goals you’ll want to set as your new year’s resolution.

New Year’s Resolutions

Your resolutions should be specific and  something you can achieve with a measurable result. Your goal for New Year’s Resolutions should be to complete them within the year. Here are the top resolutions to boost your career:

  1. Make $4000 per month

    This is the most common work-related resolution. Instead of saying you want to earn more than last year, set a specific dollar amount to hit. You can select a weekly, monthly, or yearly earnings goal. Make sure you measure this periodically to pick up more temp jobs to hit your target.

    Pro tip: With AmbiMi, you can automatically set and track earning goals to help you stay on track and see how close you are to your goal.

  2. Save 40% of my paycheque

    Set a percentage or dollar amount that you want to save in a period. If you don’t want to save a percentage of your paycheques, your resolution may be to save $1500 per month. Depending on your financial institution, you can set up automatic payments to your savings accounts. This lets you put saving money to the back of your mind and keeps you focused on what matters.

  3. Learn 5 new skills (& which ones)

    When it comes to professional development, learning new skills is one of the best ways to grow. Think about where you want to be in one year and what skills you’ll need to get there. Then choose those skills for your resolution and decide how to build them. You can take online courses or certifications or upskilling through temporary jobs, which is a great way to learn new skills quickly.

    Pro tip: AmbiMi automatically tracks your skills gained in each shift. Plus, you can select the skills you want to learn and get matched to jobs that teach those skills.

  4. Get at least 1 position in a new field

    In addition to upskilling, gaining experience in various fields can help your growth. It can open new opportunities in the future and give you valuable experience in where you want to take your career.

  5. Find a permanent job

    If you’re currently taking on gigs, temporary, or contract jobs, your goal might be to land a permanent conversion by the end of the year. To help you find a permanent position, look for working interviews or roles with temp-to-perm opportunities.

Want to reach your New Year’s resolutions? Reach your goals with AmbiMi!


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