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Advantages of Hiring Temp-to-Perm

Many participate in temporary positions to build their resume, learn new skills, or until they find a permanent job.

Whether you have a new opening for a role or want to be proactive, temp-to-perm jobs allow you to build a roster of employees that you can easily hire when you want. This gives your organization flexibility in a time when many employees are switching roles and even changing industries.

We’ve outlined what temp-to-perm jobs are and their advantages, so you can determine if they’re right for you.

What is Temp-to-Perm

Temp-to-perm jobs, also referred to as temp-to-hire jobs, are temporary roles that have the possibility of transitioning into a permanent position. Sometimes, the employee is hired knowing it could become a permanent role. Other times, at some point during the assignment, you can decide to offer the employee the opportunity to stay on permanently.

Temp-to-perm jobs allow you to try an employee in a specific role and offer them a permanent position if they’re a good fit. They may only intend to hire temporary staff but will make a permanent offer if a candidate impresses them. You can schedule candidates based on demand with no long-term commitments and hire them when you want.

Offering temp-to-perm jobs gives you the benefits of having both temporary and permanent employees.

Why Hire Temporary Employees

Hiring temporary employees has its own advantages, especially in certain situations. Using temporary staff could be a great fit if any of the following sounds like you:

  1. You need to fill temporary vacancies

    If one of your employees is taking leave, you can hire a temporary employee to take on their responsibilities. Temporary employees can fill vacation, maternity, medical leave, and more.

  2. You experience seasonality

    Hiring temporary workers during busy seasons helps you keep up with demand. Great examples of this are hiring Customer Service Representatives over Christmas or Tax Preparers during tax season. Then, your current employees can maintain their schedule and workload, which leads to a more positive work environment.

  3. Your demands change day-by-day

    Hire temporary staff to keep up with daily fluctuations in demand. For example, if you work in a busy warehouse with multiple shipments coming in on the same day, schedule a temporary employee to help on those days.

  4. You don’t need a full-time employee

    Whether you’re a small business or a start-up, sometimes you can’t justify a permanent hire. Instead, you can hire temporary staff for the role. For example, if you don’t have enough work to hire a full-time Accountant, you can hire a temporary Accountant to come in as you need.

  5. Fill gaps while searching for permanent employees

    Sometimes it can take a while to find a permanent employee. If a key player leaves your company, it can be crucial to fill their role quickly. You can use a temporary employee to keep up with tasks until you find the right fit. Plus, this could lead to the biggest advantage of all…

  6. You want to find a permanent employee

    You can make the role temp-to-perm by turning a temporary employee into a permanent hire — but more on that next.  

Advantages of Temp-to-Perm

On top of the benefits of hiring temporary employees, you’ll see more advantages by offering temp-to-perm roles.

Increased Flexibility

You don’t need to make a permanent offer right away. You can schedule temporary employees based on demand, and once you have a need, take them on permanently.  

Speed Up the Hiring Process

You’ve already built a roster of interested and qualified candidates. So, when you need a permanent employee, you have an available pool of candidates.

Seamless Transition

With temp-to-perm, an employee can be hired quickly and with prior knowledge, which speeds up onboarding. They know the role and the processes, so little to no training is needed.

Wondering how to know when to make a permanent offer? It usually depends on two factors:

  1. You have the demand to hire someone permanently

    Taking on an employee permanently often means they expect a certain number of hours or expect you to provide them with a set schedule. Make sure you have the demand before sending the offer.

  2. You’ve found a good match

    If you find a great employee, offering them a permanent job is a great incentive for someone to stay with your company and usually results in less turnover than keeping them on a temporary contract.

Evaluate Fit of Candidates

Temp-to-perm is similar to a working interview (which you can read all about here); you’ve already had a chance to see how the employee works. You understand their hard and soft skills to determine if they are a good fit.

Reduce Costs

In return for evaluating the candidate’s fit, they’ve evaluated you too. The employee has already done the role in the past, so they know it’s something they’re interested in. This reduces turnover and ultimately reduces costs.

Outsource Hiring

Different resources can help you outsource hiring temporary employees, such as agencies, websites, and apps. AmbiMi’s on-demand staffing app allows you to easily hire professionals, saving you time.

If you’re interested in making a temp-to-perm hire, reach out to our team to learn more about AmbiMi!