What’s Right for You: Temp vs. Temp-to-Perm Jobs

During your job search, you’ve probably seen temporary or temp-to-perm jobs but may not understand exactly what that means or whether you should apply.

We’re here to help you understand what temporary and temp-to-perm jobs are and the advantages of both. You can then decide which is better for you.

What are Temporary Jobs?

To start, temporary jobs are:

“Employment agreements where the working arrangement is limited to a certain period of time based on the needs of the employing organization.”

The amount of time someone can work as a temporary employee for a single company varies by region. However, temporary jobs typically last under a year.

Some common temporary roles are gigs, fixed-term assignments, contract-based jobs, project-based jobs, and seasonal employment. Organizations can also use temporary assignments as a trial period to find the best employee for their role. That’s where temp-to-perm comes in.  

What are Temp-to-Perm Jobs?

Now, temp-to-perm jobs are:

“Temporary roles that have the possibility of transitioning into a permanent position”

Like working interviews, sometimes you may be hired with the explicit possibility that the role could become permanent. Other times the company may decide to give you a permanent offer during the contract.

Whether the job becomes permanent usually depends on two things:

  1. The organization has a need for a permanent employee

  2. You impressed the company, and they think you’d be a great fit for the role

If you are looking to make a temporary role turn permanent, you can follow our guide on how to stand out in working interviews here.

Advantages of Each

Temporary Jobs

Temporary jobs are a quick way to build experience in multiple roles at once. Here are some of the advantages of temporary jobs:

Build your skills

Take on different assignments to build skills in new areas. Doing this will build your resume and give you hands-on experience.

Work for multiple companies at once

If you enjoy a dynamic environment where responsibilities vary, you can schedule your time with different types of roles. This gives you valuable experience with a variety of jobs and team cultures.

Keep a flexible workload

With temporary jobs, you often get to choose when you work. If you need a day off, don’t schedule any shifts for that day, or if you’re saving up for a big purchase, load your schedule with more jobs.

Try new careers

If you’re not sure what career you want to pursue, don’t worry, you’re not alone. Temporary jobs allow you to explore different types of roles, so you can try some out and determine what you like.

Temp in the interim

Even if your goal is a permanent job, you can temp until you find one. Then, you’ll keep a steady income stream and fill resume gaps. Plus, the company may decide to turn a temporary role into a permanent one.

Temp-to-Perm Jobs

Temp-to-perm opportunities are excellent if your long-term goal is securing a permanent role. Advantages of temp-to-perm jobs are:

Get a permanent job

The first and most important benefit is that temp-to-perm jobs are more likely to become permanent. Since the company expressed that they are looking for a permanent employee, it is more urgent than other temporary roles.

Get your foot in the door

If your goal is to get a permanent role, use temp-to-perm to show organizations what you can do. In competitive markets, this is a great way to get started quickly. If you impress the supervisors, you’ll likely receive a permanent offer.

Evaluate the role

Use the “try before you sign” approach and assess the company and the job before committing to a permanent position. You can see how the hours, commute, and role fit your lifestyle.

No commitment

On top of evaluating the role, there’s no commitment if you decide it’s not for you. Instead, you can move on to the next temp-to-perm job.

Is Temporary or Temp-to-Perm Right for You?

Temporary jobs are right for you if you aren’t ready to commit to a full-time role and want to explore different positions. Whereas temp-to-perm jobs are right for you if you have a clear career path you want to follow and your main goal is to find a permanent role.

Our best advice is to apply for both to increase your chances of finding a role.

If temporary jobs are more aligned with your interest, you can treat temp-to-perm jobs as you would temporary jobs. A permanent offer isn’t promised, and if you do receive one, you can decide if you want to take it once it comes. If you respectfully decline, you may still be able to stay on as a temporary employee.

Alternatively, if your goals align with temp-to-perm jobs, you can take on temporary jobs until you find a permanent one. You never know, a temporary role can become permanent even if not explicitly stated in the posting. Just let the supervisor know if you are interested in pursuing a permanent position with them to increase your chances.

Whether you are looking for temporary or temp-to-perm jobs, AmbiMi offers both! Check out our available jobs here.


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Advantages of Hiring Temp-to-Perm