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10 Ways to Keep Yourself Safe from Layoffs

Seeing massive layoffs in the media can cause panic for your own employment security. Maybe your company has already started layoffs, or you can see them looming in the distance. Whatever your situation is, you're probably asking yourself how to improve employment security.   

The best way to secure your position is to show your employer the value you add to the organization. Being proactive and showing that you are a valuable employee will increase your chances of staying safe from layoffs. 

Although sometimes downsizing is unavoidable and your position may be cut, there are ways to increase your chances of "surviving layoffs." So, we'll outline what employment security is and ten ways you can improve yours.  

What is Employment Security? 

Employment security (also called job security) is:  

"the probability that you will keep your job." 

It's the confidence you have in keeping your job. You can either have high or low employment security. High job security means you are stable in your position with little risk of being laid off, regardless of outside factors. On the other end, low job security is when you have a high probability of being dismissed.   

How to Secure Your Job 

Showing your value to your organization is the best way to improve employment security. Here are ten ways you can stand out to your employer: 

  1. Learn your manager's goals 

    Finding out your manager's objectives will help you understand what they want you to focus on. Then, you can brainstorm ways to help achieve those company goals. Showing you can help reach those targets will show your value. 

  2. Talk about your goals

    You can use your manager's goals to create your own. Review your ideas with your manager to ensure you are on the same page. Together, you can develop a plan of action for getting there.  

  3. Track your progress 

    After agreeing upon your goals with your manager, create a process to track your progress. You could do this through an excel document, but Microsoft Planner and Notion are helpful task management platforms you can share with your boss. This will help them know what you are doing and how it's going.  

  4. Stay on top of commitments 

    Now that everything is planned and tracked, you want to stick to your deadlines. Whether your deadlines are internal or external, meeting them will show your reliability.  

  5. Go above and beyond expectations

    Unfortunately, sometimes even high quality work isn't enough, so you must go above and beyond what's expected. To do this, you can take on new tasks or challenges, learn new things, and always offer to help.  

  6. Upskill yourself 

    A fantastic way to separate yourself from others is to upskill. Learning new skills will help you become an expert in something no one else is. We recommend learning skills yearly to increase your value to a company continuously. You can upskill in many ways, including training, programs, formal education, and even temporary jobs.  

  7. Offer help to colleagues 

    If layoffs are already happening in your organization, colleagues probably have more responsibilities piling up. Offering assistance to your managers and coworkers shows your willingness to help. You can even help train or mentor newer employees if your position allows it. Being as helpful as possible makes you an asset that companies want to hold on to.  

  8. Build relationships 

    On top of being helpful, create and maintain positive relationships with people at the company. The more you fit in and promote the company culture, the more likely you'll stay at a company.   

  9. Be engaged in meetings 

    We get that meetings can be monotonous, but showing your engagement will show employers you are passionate. You'll show how you can help the company grow by engaging with, and sharing, innovative ideas.  

  10. Be flexible 

    If your company is currently downsizing, there may be some changes to job positions or responsibilities. Be flexible and receptive to these changes to secure your job and show you're willing to do what's necessary for success.  

Looking for a temporary job to help you upskill? Find one with AmbiMi today!