Urgent Childcare Needs? Find a Nanny In Minutes With AmbiMi

Imagine your nanny unexpectedly quits at 9:00 PM. Now, you're faced with a dilemma –find a replacement by 8:00 AM tomorrow or take a day off work. What can you do? Most agencies are closed, and you post in your local Facebook group but cannot get in touch with anyone until the next day. Unfortunately, this is a situation most parents have faced at one point or another, which is exactly why AmbiMi offers on-demand nanny hiring services.

The need for nannies often arises unexpectedly and urgently. In a moment of crisis, you can depend on AmbiMi's nanny services for fast and easy hiring.

In this blog, we'll share how and why you can count on us in even the most urgent situations. Plus, read until the end to see what happens in the above scenario!

Quick, On-Demand Nanny Services

AmbiMi's nanny services are available through our mobile app. Your nanny search is tailored to your unique requirements, simplifying the process of finding childcare. We match you to professionals that meet your skills, scheduling needs, and preferred wage. When you're in a bind (or even if you're not), AmbiMi is your go-to solution.

Available Anytime, Anywhere

One of AmbiMi's standout features is its on-demand approach to childcare. Life doesn't always follow a strict schedule, especially when it comes to your children. Our mobile app is available 24/7, so you can post nanny or daycare jobs at any time, day or night. No more waiting until the next business day to find the help you need.

Fast & Easy Hiring

We know that time is of the essence when it comes to childcare. Outline your requirements and as soon as you click 'post’, our algorithm gets to work matching you with local nannies who match your criteria. One successful match and you can sleep easy that they'll be at your door the next morning! Our platform streamlines the process, making it quick and straightforward. It’s designed to cater to your most urgent needs, whether you're dealing with a sudden change in your nanny's availability or you require last-minute assistance.

5 Steps Away from Your Dream Nanny

AmbiMi's nanny services find families household help when daily life becomes overwhelming. Follow these five steps to quickly find a nanny with AmbiMi.

  1. Download the App: Start by downloading the AmbiMi app and sign up to create your user profile.

  2. Post a Job: Once you're signed up, post a childcare job specifying your requirements and role details. You can include information like the number of children, their ages, required hours, and any skills or qualifications you prefer in a nanny.

  3. View Matches: AmbiMi's skills-based job matching will match your job posting with pre-vetted and available nannies in your area. Perfect Matches can accept your job since they are a perfect fit, and there’s nothing more for you to do. Partial Matches can apply for your position, and after considering your options, you can select the nanny who best suits your needs and preferences. You'll receive notifications and be able to view their AmbiFiles, which include information about their experience, skills, and ratings.

  4. Choose Your Nanny:  Again, if you received a Perfect Match, there’s nothing left to do. Your nanny is scheduled and booked. If it’s a Partial Match, you’ll need to pick the best fit. If there’s nobody with the right criteria, consider amending the wage rate to attract more matches!

  5. Optional: In Home/MiHome Interview: If you’re looking for permanent childcare, to ensure a great match, you can arrange a nanny working interview with potential childcare providers while you're at home. This gives you a chance to see how they interact with your family and handle their responsibilities. If they’re a great fit, hire them permanently through AmbiMi.

Leah's Last-Minute Saver: How AmbiMi Came to the Rescue

Let's revisit the previous scenario: Meet Leah, a working single mom with two young children in Vancouver. One night, her nanny unexpectedly resigns, effective immediately. Aware of the difficulties of finding childcare in Vancouver, Leah faces the tough decision of taking a day off work.

The timing couldn't have been worse — she has a big day at the office ahead and has to leave the house by 8:00 AM. She needs someone to care for her children, get them ready for school, make meals, and ensure they reach school on time.

Desperate for a solution, Leah remembers a friend mentioning AmbiMi. It's 9:00 PM with little time to spare, so she turns to AmbiMi to post her urgent nanny job through their mobile app.

Within minutes, her phone pings with notifications from experienced nannies available to assist immediately. They applied for her nanny position as Partial Matches. Leah views the profiles, checks ratings, and connects with nannies who meet her requirements. By the time she goes to bed, she's hired a nanny to take care of her children.

The nanny arrives early the next morning and not only ensures her kids get to school but also makes delicious meals and provides the care and attention her children need. Thanks to AmbiMi's quick and easy nanny service, Leah goes to work with confidence, knowing her children are in capable hands.

In a world where schedules are unpredictable, AmbiMi empowers parents like Leah to maintain their professional commitments and continue providing the best care for their children, even in the most unexpected circumstances.

Don't wait when you need immediate help with your children. We're here to support your family whenever you need us. Try AmbiMi today and experience the difference in childcare.


Navigating the Legalities of Childcare: How to Pay a Nanny in Canada


MiHome Nanny Working Interview: Find the Perfect Fit for You