Our Top 5 Tips to Handle the New Year Hiring Rush

You're back from Christmas vacation, sat at your desk, and the first thing you see is all the outstanding tasks you pushed to "next year." For hiring managers, this may look like a new hiring budget and many positions to fill.

It may be an overwhelming way to start your year, but don't worry. There are ways to prepare yourself and avoid the stresses of the new year hiring rush. We'll outline how you can set yourself up for success to make this year the best one yet.

What is the New Year Hiring Rush?

The new year hiring rush is a term coined by many, referring to the influx of people looking for jobs every January. It's no doubt one of the busiest times for recruiting. Whether a professional's New Year's resolution is to find a new job, make more money, or have a fresh start, the January rush is guaranteed every year.

How do I Prepare for the New Year Hiring Rush?

Our best advice is to start early to get a head start on hiring (link to video). But, if it's already too late for that, there are some steps you can take now to get ready.

  1. Keep track of holiday schedules

    Do you know when potential candidates are on holiday or when they'll be available? What about the supervisors you might have to set up interviews with? Note down everyone's holiday schedules and availability so you know you can reach out. This will help you split your tasks and plan who you will talk to and when.

  2. Build a talent roster

    In an ideal world, you'll already have a list of professionals you can hire. If that's not the case, you can build a talent roster now. A talent roster is a list of qualified professionals who worked with your company and want to return for more shifts. If your hiring needs are permanent, you can offer one of them a temp-to-perm conversion.

  3. Prioritize each position

    Rank each position's deadline, urgency, and difficulty to fill. We recommend assigning each category a rating from one to ten to see how they compare.

    Deadline: the latest date you need to hire by

    Urgency: how important the position is to fill

    Difficulty to fill: how hard it will be to find a professional with the right skills and requirements

    Then you can use those results to decide what positions you need to focus on.

  4. Start right away

    As soon as the hiring need presents itself, don't push it to a later date, even if the position deadline is in a couple of months. As said in our last point, it's important to prioritize but at least post a job to start generating interest.

    Pro-tip: With AmbiMi, you can post jobs with scheduled shifts months in advance. If you accept a professional earlier, it'll already be in their schedule and confirmed.

  5. Use resources to help

    You don't have to take on everything by yourself. Use AmbiMi to help find talent in your area. Just enter the skills and requirements for your jobs, and we'll match you with pre-vetted professionals.

Bonus tip for next year (it's not too early to start thinking about it): maintain your talent roster throughout the year and keep in touch with good candidates, even if you don't hire them now.

Ready to overcome the new year hiring rush? Get in touch to find staff with AmbiMi today!


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