How to Go from Your First Job to Your Dream Job

You've landed your first job in an entry-level position, but you don't feel like it's leading you to your career goals. You're not yet qualified for the roles you want to be in, so what do you do?

The last time we talked to Olivia Truong, we discussed getting experience when you don't have any. This time, we're talking about how to progress in your career and build the experience you need to hit your goals. Look no further if you want to learn about common jobs that don't need experience, how to progress, and the fastest ways to learn relevant skills. For a little sneak peek into the interview, Olivia recommends:

"Don't be afraid to be vocal with your employer and let them know the type of skills you're looking to gain or where you're hoping to grow."

Watch the video to hear Olivia's advice for progressing in your career!


Q: How to find paid opportunities with little or no experience?

If looking for unpaid opportunities isn't an option for you, you could look into jobs that traditionally don't need a lot of experience to break into. So these are roles like cashier, store clerk, server, barista, lawn mower, things like that. And once you're in a job like that, don't be afraid to be vocal with your employer and let them know the type of skills you're looking to gain or where you're hoping to grow so that they can keep you in mind should those opportunities open up.

Q: How do I progress in these opportunities?

So back to my previous point, always be vocal with your employer about where you're hoping to grow. So, it's hard to help someone when you don't know where they're looking to grow. Aside from that, focus on your transferable skills, so understanding what those are and being able to highlight and speak to them in future interviews. Not all jobs are linear, and you can use transferable skills to move from one industry or one role to another. So, for example, let's say you're working as a cashier, that's going to teach you about customer service and POS systems, which will be beneficial for you in a role related to sales or customer service.


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