Follow These 5 Tips to Find a Seasonal Job

Seasonal jobs are great for students, stay-at-home parents, retirees, those looking to pick up a second job, or those looking to earn extra money! Whatever it is you're looking for; there are a variety of positions available. So just about anyone can find something they're interested in. Read about possible seasonal jobs here.

But where exactly do you start? If you're not sure, don't worry. We'll cover our top tips for finding a seasonal job.

How to Find a Seasonal Job

The first steps to finding seasonal work are similar to finding permanent jobs. You'll want to assess your current skills and see what types of jobs you want. From there, you can search for something that's a good fit. Then, follow our top five tips:

  1. Start your job search before the season starts

    Most organizations start hiring before the season begins. So, you want to start your seasonal job search when the company does. As a rule of thumb, start your search a month before wanting to start for a role. If it's already the start of the season, don't wait until the next to apply for jobs. Sometimes things fall through, or new positions become available mid-season. Having a head start increases your chances of securing a role.

  2. Research common seasonal jobs

    Start with a google search to see what temporary seasonal jobs are available. For example, you may start your search with "seasonal jobs near me." Then, filter down based on your interests, such as "general labour summer jobs." This will help you create a list of potential jobs and narrow down your job search.

  3. Look to the right places

    Not all companies hire for seasonal roles. To make the best use of your time, look where you can find seasonal jobs. Some job boards allow you to filter jobs on a seasonal basis. But, they can be full of irrelevant postings or companies that checked the wrong box in the posting. At AmbiMi, we can help you search for the right role, whether it's seasonal jobs (we have plenty of roles right now), or temporary, contract or even permanent. Get in touch with our team to find jobs.

  4. Talk to your network

    Reach out to friends, family, or colleagues to see if they know of any opportunities. If you've done a seasonal job in the past, reach out to past coworkers. Given they've done seasonal work in the past, they might know of new opportunities.

  5. Be flexible

    You may not get a job immediately, so it's important to have a backup plan. Whether you look for roles in a different industry, have a savings plan to fall back on, or take short-term temp jobs. Whatever it is, ensure you have a safety blanket to avoid sticky situations.

AmbiMi can help you make sure you have a job lined up. Visit us to see how.


Temporary Seasonal Jobs in Vancouver, British Columbia


How AmbiMi Helps You Find Jobs