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12 Reasons Why You Should Try Gig Work

The gig economy is a buzzword commonly used by the media over the last few years, and for a good reason! Gig work has grown rapidly in many industries, and now more than 1 in 10 Canadian adults represent gig workers.

If you’re curious about gigging, read on for our top twelve reasons to consider giving it a try.

What is Gigging?

Gigging is a broad term that applies to many types of work. From ridesharing for individuals to high-level business services and anything in between, many kinds of jobs fall under the umbrella of gig work.

In the broadest terms, the gig economy is a free market in which individuals earn income from on-demand, short-term assignments, tasks, or jobs. A gig worker is someone who completes these jobs for businesses or individuals for a profit.

In this article, we focus on entry-to-mid level roles, but we recognize that the complete definition of gigs encompasses a wider range of jobs.

So, Why Try Gigging?

  1. Work when and where you want

    Gigging gives you the flexibility to work as much or as little as you want. If you’re saving up for a big purchase, you may take on additional shifts or jobs to help you reach your goal faster. Alternatively, if you want to spend more time at home, schedule your jobs to foster a strong work-life balance.  

  2. Be your own boss

    You get to choose the type of work you do and when you do it. So, you can take the initiative to select only to work the roles that interest you. Plus, you typically have the independence to do your job and don’t need to cater to an organization.

  3. No commitment necessary

    Because you’re not a full-time employee, there’s no commitment. There is no need to take work home with you or stress about your responsibilities. If you don’t like a particular gig or the culture, you don’t have to continue working with them once the shift or contract is complete.

  4. Make extra income

    Whether you’re a student, have another job, or want to supplement your income, you can easily make a side income with gigs. Or, if you’re gigging full-time, take on as many roles as you want to hit your financial goals.

  5. Low barrier to entry

    It’s easy to join the gig economy, and there are plenty of jobs that don’t have high requirements or need previous experience. So, why not try it out to see what’s available?

    If you’re interested in finding gigs, you can easily join AmbiMi by following our video walkthrough.

  6. Wide variety of jobs/tasks

    With the widespread of the gig economy, there are plenty of gigs available in various fields. If you don’t want to be doing the same thing every day, you don’t have to. You can work in a corporate office one day and head to an event the next. Each gig has different responsibilities and projects, so your role is always changing.

  7. Build your skills

    Gigs are a great entry point to build new skills. With the large variety of available jobs, you can choose the jobs with skills you want to develop and learn new skills every day.

  8. Gain experience fast

    We’ve all seen those “entry-level” job postings that require multiple years of experience. Gigging allows you to gain relevant experience fast and work towards your dream career.

  9. Participate in different events

    In some instances, gigs will give you the chance to work at live events, conferences, or festivals that you might not have the opportunity to attend otherwise. Imagine going to your dream concert and getting paid to be there!

  10. Join the gigger network

    Some believe that gigging is less social than permanent jobs, but that couldn’t be further from the truth! Depending on the type of gigs you attend, you’ll likely start seeing the same group of people at different jobs once you start going consistently. This is the most common at live events or in material handling roles.

  11. Network for yourself

    You will be meeting new people at different companies regularly. Build relationships and network with people you wouldn’t be able to otherwise. You can gain great insight into their roles and experience, and networking can lead to more opportunities in the future.

  12. Opportunity to find the right job

    Maybe you’re not sure what you’re looking for? Try a few gigs until you find what you’re passionate about, and then continue down that career path.

  13. Bonus for international workers: Gain local experience

    Gigs are especially helpful for those on a work or student permit. You can easily gain local work experience to help get your foot in the door. Plus, if your goal is to obtain Permanent Residency or Citizenship, gigs can help you build your hours.

Interested in trying out gigging? Reach out to our team to see how AmbiMi can help you find gigs faster!