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How to Use the Gig Economy in Your Business

Advances in technology have helped the gig economy flourish. ‘Giggers’ often find jobs through on-demand platforms or mobile apps. 

Right now, over one in three Canadian businesses hire gig workers. Have you thought about including gigs in your business model?

We’re here to tell you about the gig economy, including what it is, why it’s important, and how you should integrate it into your business.

What is the Gig Economy?

The gig economy is defined as:

“A free market where individuals earn income from on-demand, short-term assignments, tasks, or jobs”

The gig economy is an umbrella term for any short-term, temporary gig. A gig could be a day, a week, a month, or sometimes even a year.

Why is the Gig Economy Important?

First and foremost, you should consider incorporating gigs into your business to widen your talent pool. Gig workers now represent one in ten Canadian adults. Hiring for gigs allows you to access a diverse pool of flexible workers.

The pandemic led to changes in the workforce. Many employees turned to gig work for more flexible lifestyles, and they prefer it to a 9-5 job. If employers want to protect themselves from  “The Great Resignation,” they need to consider allowing employees to work how and when they want.

Plus, hiring for gigs gives you more flexibility too. Instead of hiring a permanent, full-time employee, you can schedule employees as you need.

The gig economy also saves you time and money by helping you hire quicker. Instead of taking two weeks to find someone, you can find someone in a day. We all know time is money, but hiring giggers can reduce your costs too. Some platforms (like AmbiMi!) offer more affordable options than traditional agencies.

How to Use Gigs in Your Business

The gig economy is a broad term that encompasses many types of jobs. You can hire experienced industry professionals to give insight into an area your business is missing. Or, you can hire entry-level professionals to help save time on tasks. For the best results, be specific in your planning. Follow our recommended steps for accessing the gig economy in your company:

1. Determine what tasks you need help with

First, you need to establish the jobs or expertise you need help with. Do you need high-level expertise? Or help with smaller tasks? Or maybe you need to fill a role in your company? Once you know what skills or expertise you’re missing, it’ll be easier to make a plan.    

2. Choose the type of gig worker you need

There are many types of gig workers, including freelancers, independent contractors, temporary workers, contract workers, and seasonal workers. Choose which type of worker you need depending on your requirements.

Freelancers usually perform high-level services for multiple clients at once. Choose freelancers if you need technical knowledge for specific smaller tasks.

Independent contractors are similar to traditional employees, but you don’t pay taxes, benefits, or cover worker’s compensation. Independent contractors are responsible for their own deductions and safety. Choose independent contractors if you want fewer reporting or tax responsibilities.

Temporary workers are employees on a temporary contract. Choose temporary workers if your job is shorter and flexible in terms of an end date.

Contract workers are employees who signed up for a contract with a company, whether it’s time-based or project-based. Choose contractors if you need an employee until a project is completed or for a specific amount of time.

Seasonal workers are similar to temporary workers; however, they commit to working a whole season with a company. This could be a summer job or a job over the holiday season. Choose seasonal workers if you’re hiring due to seasonality.

3. Establish a clear goal

Once you choose a type of employee, determine clear goals for the gigger to complete. Determine the specific tasks you want them to do, the timeline, and what skills you need. You will enter these in the job posting to set expectations for the candidates.

4. Choose a platform that aligns with your goals

As mentioned earlier, technology has catapulted growth in the gig economy, and now there are many platforms you can use to hire. Choose the best one that aligns with your goals.

AmbiMi allows you to easily find independent contractors, temporary workers, contract workers, and seasonal workers. If you want to learn more, check out our website.

5. Hire quickly and start immediately

Gigs usually have a quick turnaround! Post your job with your desired start date, and you can have professionals start as soon as you need.  

Interested in hiring giggers? Get in touch with our team to learn more!